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Official Website of 

by Hector Vega

Available on Amazon, Barnes & and all bookstores online.
Now also on Audible.
  • Senior Pastor of East Harlem Fellowship

  • Licensed/Ordained by Times Square Church, NYC

  • Executive Director of Lex Hill

  • Author of "Arrested by Grace" 

Hector Vega was raised in midtown Manhattan where his drug addiction and dysfunction ruled 15 years of his life. He spent 10 of those years in and out of the prison system until 1995 when he was radically saved from a lifestyle of addiction and incarceration. It was the unconditional love and grace of God in the Gospel message that transformed him. 


Since being rescued and upon his release, Rev Hector Vega was hired as a temporary employee for a prominent Health insurance company in NYC (1997). Through hard work dedication and the miraculous favor of God. He became an accomplished insurance Executive leading a team of 140 + individuals and a budget of several million dollars. He has served on international mission trips in five of the seven continents; and since 2009 He has led East Harlem Fellowship (The little church on the hill) as Senior Pastor, alongside his wife Michelle and their four children (Nicholas, Josiah, Seth, and Skyler). 


In 2015, He was hired as the Executive Director and CEO of the Goodwill Rescue Mission in Newark NJ (Non-profit Homeless shelter and recovery program), and founded the City Lights - (academic enrichment and mentorship) program in NYC.       


In 2018, Pastor Hector released his biography, "Arrested by Grace" (Freiling Agency, December 2018). Hector shares his story for one reason -- to remind everyone that God still pursues the lost and hopeless. If God can radically transform him from the drug-infested streets of New York City, there is hope for you. He is currently sending books into every prison in the United States (ABG prison project) at no cost to the chaplain or inmate. To date we have sent over 10,000 books into over 325 unique locations. Click HERE for the full list.

Prison Project

abg prison project

The American criminal justice system currently holds more than 2.3 million people. It does so in 6,125 facilities across the United States



Total US Facilities: 6,125 


  • 1719 state prisons

  • 102 federal

  • 942 juvenile correctional

  • 3283 local jails

  • 79 Indian county, military, immigration detention and civil commitment centers.


The US has an additional 536,000 people detained in pre-trial detention facilities which is more than most countries have in their prison and jails combined.  Incarceration and detention is just one piece of the puzzle. Additionally, there are another 3.7 million people on probation and 840,000 on parole.  



ABG: 3-Fold Prison Project


(See 2 Kings 13:15-19) This is the LORD's arrow, an arrow of victory over Aram (US prisons). Send the book into every facility at no cost to the chaplain or facility.


Initiative 1: Send the book. Partner with chaplains, prison fellowship, kairos and other ministries working within the criminal justice system to distribute the book as an evangelistic arrow.


Initiative 2: Collaborate to evangelize. Partner with chaplains and recovery ministries. (Teen ChallengeCelebrate Recovery) to encourage people to fully surrender to Christ and use ABG as focus group discussion tool.


Initiative 3: Partner with public schools in urban areas to use the book as literacy project for at risk teens.


Evangelistic Financial Investment 


Option 1: Monthly Partner 

Archer Level Distribution Campaign – $5, $10 or $20 a month will help us print and distribute as requests come in. 


 Option 2: Send a one time gift of any amount

Mass Impact Print Campaign – Our goal is to print and send 10,000 books 

  • Donate $5 (1 book, print and S&H)


Freedom Campaign – $5,000

  • Develop a hard copy study guide and 31 day devotional based on Arrested By Grace for target audiences. (At risk youth, drug addicts/recovery and those in prison). 

  • Audible Narration Project

  • Translation into Korean and Portuguese.



Future/Long-term Ministry Goal 


Open a home (The Potter's House) that offers housing and vocational training to provide stability on the way to self-sustainability. Pastor Vega plans to work toward transforming the individual and the school-to-prison pipeline. Please partner with us in the rescue, rebuilding and returning to wholeness process.

Remember those in prison


As we know, once people encounter Jesus, lives can be changed, families can be restored, and communities can be made safer. Your gift toward phase 1 or 2 would help us reach incarcerated men and women with the good news of the Gospel. 




How do I give?

Donate by clicking below and add ABG Prison Project in the "Add a Note" tab.


Make check payable to East Harlem Fellowship (Memo line: ABG Prison Project)   

Mail address:

East Harlem Fellowship

324 Pleasant Avenue Suite 2D 

New York, NY 10035  


“Miracles still happen -- they even occur in the darkest places of New York City.  Hector Vega found the open door that Christ offers and summoned the courage to surrender to the love of God. It was and is a different kind of surrender. There are no guns, no threats, and no commands to raise one's hands and face the wall! Yet, for many years of his life, it was the only surrender Hector had ever known. But then something happened. A soft, gentle voice spoke into the deepest recesses of his heart. ‘Give it all to me, Hector.’  It was the call that precedes every God-breathed miracle in this city, in our nation, and in the world. When Hector yielded, the Spirit of Almighty God came upon his entire being. And that's when the miracles truly began!”


 –Pastor Carter Conlon, Times Square Church in New York City


Contact Hector
Want to get involved with our Prison Project or purchase a book? 

Thanks for submitting!

Hector Vega's
Speaking Topics

New Life Testimony

Detours of Grace 

The Robe of Sonship

New Wine

Born again 

Revival vs Resurrection 


Young Adult and Youth Ministry conferences

Leadership pipeline​


have your own story to tell?

If you have been through a similar situation as Hector, we would like to hear about it. Email us and tell us how the love of Jesus changed your life. Please remember to tell us about your life before, how you met Jesus, and how your life has changed since.

Your Story
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